Preset Macros

Note: Some of these macros that are for certain abilities will only work if you have that ability. They will do nothing if you do not have that ability.

Preset Macros:
Space = Melee Attack
A = Meditate. A minor form of training used mostly to regenerate health and energy faster.
B = OOC. Say something to the world.
C = Countdown. An RP verb that starts a 60 second timer. If you don't RP then ignore this.
D = Charge. A type of ki attack.
E = Eat. There are things you can eat in the game to get a health boost, such as dead bodies or foods.
F = Blast. A ki attack.
G = Power up. You probably do not start with this power.
H = Power down. You probably do not start with this.
I = Injure. You can injure someone who is knocked out by getting next to them and facing them and using this.
L = Vote Options. You can start many kinds of votes for players to vote on. Not important.
N = Emote. An RP verb to emote what your character is 'doing'.
O = Toggle your attacks between lethal and non-lethal mode.
P = View this guide website
Q = Train. Start or stop training. See the training section for more details on training.
R = Fly. Start or stop flying.
S = Beam. A ki attack. Press once to start charging the beam. Press again to fire it. Press a 3rd time to stop firing it.
T = Grab: Grab something you are facing, or release something you are already grabbing.
U = Dig: Dig for resources, which is used as money and to build things using science.
V = Say: Send a message to all those in sight of you.
W = Use an item in your inventory or near by your character if applicable.
X = Learn: You can use this to spend skill points you have gained toward learning new abilities.
Y = Toggle auto attack on or off. You character will attack on a loop. Useful in a real fight so that you don't have to keep pressing space over and over.
Z = Teach a technique to someone by getting next to them, facing them, and hitting the button.

You can change all of these but, thanks to BYOND, changing preset macros is NOT very easy to figure out. So I will explain how here. If you don't like the preset macros you can change them. Log in to the game, press F1 to bring up Options & Messages, Go to Client>Edit Skin. A folder opens up. Click on either of the files named "skin". When that opens up, near the top half of the screen you will see the word "macro". Double click on it to bring up a macro window where you can see all the preset macros, and change them, or delete them, or do whatever you want to them.

Afterwards, hit ok to everything and close it and save it. Exit the game, log back in, and your done.